Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My Life Stories ~Past tense~

My Life Story...
I had a very unhappy and unpleasant Childhood Memories and i felt those memories clings and dominated most of my life journey. I always believed, the way how i perceived and reacted to my surrounding have to do with my Childhood past...The way how my parents brought me up, their attitudes and values that i indirectly subconsciously adapted to, how my child social life affected me, the hurt, pain and wound that i received along the path of my growing up journey ... its all affected and mold me to my present form.  

**I always feels that i didn't receive enough Love during my childhood time. Being the eldest in the family, I am trained to be a very independent young lady ( now a woman) ... along the real life training i lost trust to my own family members and depend much on my own two feet to survived ... "Negative" was my childhood surrounding vibrations, unpleasant words, stressful situation, burdens, nonrecognition , responsibility, unwanted fight with my mum, break-up with my most trusted boyfriend, lies, no freedom, struggles and etc. My potentiality as a person being buried by my negative self perception.  All those negativity somehow direct me to a far uncertain diverged road ... choices in my hands... whether to easily gave up life or to be courageous and slowly learn and grow again in a different way of thinking.

(**At least that was what i really felt )

When i finally realized how slow was my level of maturity, to  grow as a person become my strong desire in life. I always have some kind of "Unfulfilled" feelings in me and always question "What is my purpose living in this world?" " There must be a reason why i am born" "Why must i have this kind of journey in life?" All those question mark lead me to my desire to step out from my "Comfort Zone" and be more open to any possibility that comes. And believe me in order to really take the "Step" you need to be selfish!! ~Love you self more and step out from your present circle of living~

Its true "the more positives you become, the more you attracts positive people in your life!!" 

Thanks to PRH for bringing out  the best of me as a person!!
Thanks to PRH for making me realized about my potentiality and positiveness in life!! 

P/s: I supposed to share about my throwback on  "Exploring My Childhood Past" Session but yet i happen to share about my Life Stories ..LOLxx 

I hope my life stories will inspired other reader that have more or less "similarity" life journey as me. I write with peace and only main for sharing.

"Learn, Learn, Learn & Learn ...never tired of Learning"

"All Human Evolution Is Slow. It is a Journey. The Journey is often hindered and at times even blocked. Understanding these hindering or blocking mechanism helps the Journey ~Andre Rochais~" 

Till then ...


Monday, February 2, 2015

PRH Australia

~Penguin Random house?
~Pilot rotor-craft Helicopter?
~Post-occlusive Reaction Hyperemia?
Randomly type in "PRH" letters in Google, those 3 abbreviation will pop out on your screen. but my PRH is different ... PRH that i am going to share here is stand for "Personality & Human Relationship" and it is an international adult school of education for personal growth. Some of my friend misunderstood about this PRH with a religion education and i am here to tell you prh is NOTHING to do with Religion Teaching... so be Open minded and be adventurous of knowing yourself better with PRH. ~peace~

Andre Rochais is the founder of PRH. To know more about him 
.. ... open the link attached. He believe that "Deep Within, at the very heart of our being, we can discover the positives aspects of our personality. It is this positive aspects that give value to our person" ~ Andre Rochais~

When you open link, this PRH-Autralia logo will be the first thing appeared on your screen... This logo was used internationally and brings the simplicity and gentleness of the school teaching itself. (Well note that PRH is an international adult school of education). What do i mean by simplicity & gentleness? Well, to know it better is by experiencing it yourself!! Become the participants of any workshops or courses that offered and be ready for the gentle touch that will bring positives impact into your life. 

PRH in the World
PRH is available in more than 30 countries around the world. Note that Malaysia is not listed in the lists because there is no qualified licence educators from Malaysia yet. ( There is a big opportunity for Malaysian to involve in PRH & become an educator) ...Thailand, Indonesia & Australia is the nearest countries that you might want to consider if you want to take part in Prh.

Once a year, Educator from Thailand with the help from Fondasio Malaysia will offer the basic workshop to the people who are interested into Prh. The Most basic Workshop will be "Who Am I?" & "Exploring My Inner World". ( I did these two workshop back in 2012 in Melaka for 2 weeks with Fr. Wichien Likittam from Thailand).

My recent workshop which i did in Australia were "Exploring My Childhood Past" & "My Body & My Personal Growth"... Zofia De Stefano is my gentle Australian Prh Educator. To know more about her ... click on!the-facilitator/chhk. Here is the link to know more about PRH-Australia & All the latest updates on the coming programs / Workshop, you can browse it in

"In order to master the operation of any machine, we must know it. In the same way, in order to become master of ourselves, we must know ourselves, lucidly dwell in our inner world and consciously occupy all the rooms of our inner house" ~Andre Rochais~
Till my next entry ...  adiós!!

PRH & My Life ...

Hi people,
I decided to do sharing on my life journey with PRH. PRH?? what is PRH? wanna know more about PRH...Check the link below:- :- General view about PRH internationally :- About PRH in Australia

Well there are more link about PRH in other countries ( you can get it through the first link :- prh-international) 

My Journey with PRH is so amazing & inspiring ... apart from learning more and more about myself, its also enable me to grow personally with the help of other amazing peoples in a positive environment. GROW :- Acquiring & achieving positive vibration in our life by knowing our self better & react to the surrounding better.  My First PRH story i'd shared it in "My Travel Blog" ... check the link below:-

Isn't it beautiful & Inspiring? 

Here is the latest PRH-Australia newsletter :- "Standing up:the art of existence" ....Click on the link below for the newsletter & look for my article in page 9.

How do you find the article? leave your respond in the comment box below for any inquiry or opinion on it!!

My next entry, i will try to share my Australia PRH experiences ~if possible~

~If you wish to know more about André Rochais, founder of PRH,~
Click me :-

Till then ...
